
SEMITRON successfully win C&K Authorized Letter

栏目:公司新闻 发布时间:2021-02-22 作者: SEMITRON 来源: GROUP NEWS
SEMITRON successfully win C&K Authorized Letter

SEMITRON successfully win C&K Authorized Letter

C&K 自 1928 年成立以来, 一直处于机电式开关技术发展的最前沿。公司具有根据客户需求进行量身定制的设计能力, 这种能力其他公司无法与之匹敌, 这一点得到了需要高质量开关性能的全球工程师的公认。约一个世纪之后, C&K 仍然是电子机械开关行业中最为人熟知且最值得信赖的品牌之一。

2011 年, C&K 收购了中国惠州的高铭实业, 以扩大和提升公司的设计和制造能力。高铭累积了三十多年的, 获得认可的研发、制造和客户服务卓越的经验。高铭厂房每年生产量超过 2.5 亿, 产品适用于各种应用。

C&K 总部位于(美国)马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆市, 其全球设计中心位于其总部以及(法国)多尔市和(中国)惠州市。

C&K 的产品用于汽车、工业、医疗和消费产品等, C&K 的产品包括轻触开关、跷板开关和钮子开关, 其产品用于设计、制造和分销电子产品的公司, 在 55,000 多个标准产品和 850 万个开关组合中装配使用。

因此, 无论您是否对以下部件感兴趣, 您都能够依靠 C&K(每次为您)提供最佳解决方案:火灾警报器的通用桨式开关组件、划船应用的紧凑型启动/ 停止按钮、具有特定驱动力的手术设备的切换机械、或用来调节温度的多位置卡扣式定制开关模

C&K 的不同之处

我们致力于根据客户的产品需求, 提供其产品所需要的卓越技术、性能和可靠性。

C&K 的部分优势包括:

  • 是微型轻触开关设计与制造的行业领跑者

  • 对于所有汽车级产品来说, 均具有零 ppm 缺陷制造能力

  • 于欧洲、北美和亚洲均有最先进的设计中心, 每个地区均有完整的内部测试设施

  • 是高可靠性太空连接器和智能卡互连设备的专业供应商

  • 制造能力灵活, 能够扩大从原型设计到批量生产的生产规模

  • 拥有世界一流的加工技术、精密高速冲压技术、塑料和橡胶成型技术、表面镀膜和二次成型技术

  • 从引线和线束, 到完整的前面板组件, 均能提供范围广泛的增值解决方案

C&K 通过持续改进和无缺陷性能, 努力实现 100% 的客户满意度。公司通过结合自动化装配系统、持续培训计划、内部审核团队、六西格玛设计法、过程能力分析、统计过程控制和供应商质量计划, 来实现这一目标。

近期, C&K 在法国多尔的制造厂通过了 IATF 16949:2016 认证, 表现了其对质量管理的持续承诺。该认证加强了我们作为世界级供应商的地位, 使我们定位为制造商中的精英群体。

C&K 致力于成为客户至上的(生产服务)组织, 以具有竞争力的价格提供具有卓越支持性的高质量灵活解决方案。无论是标准订单, 还是特殊订单, 或量身定制的订单, C&K 每次都能按时为设计工程师提供最佳的机电式开关。


1957 年 1 月 21 日, Charles A. Coolidge, Jr. 和 Marshall Kincaid 一齐建立了 C&K Components, Inc.。该公司原本是磁芯记忆单元的制造商。

在 60 年代, C&K 重组以生产计算机和电子行业的微型开关 ─ 并一直向前走。公司因专注于客户需求并提供优质的服务而立即获得成功。

到 90 年代中期, C&K 已经成为世界领先的开关制造商之一 ─ 也是业内最受信赖的品牌之一。

公司的成功使其在千禧年代被 ITT Industries 收购, 最终成为 ITT 的开关部门, 但仍保留了 C&K 的名称。2011 年, C&K 透过收购加强公司业务的全球性, 並扩大设计及制造能力。

一路走来, C&K 仍然坚持始创人的方针, 确保与我们合作的每一位客户都真正满意, 我们以此为傲。今天, 卓越的期望就是能够从 C&K 获得完美的开关, 或与我们一起定制开发。一切还是以客为先。

在 C&K, 我们感到自豪的是, Coolidge 和 Kincaid 当初决定抓住机会, 追求自己的梦想, 而公司在 60 年多后的发展仍然强劲。公司一直保持在开关技术的最前沿, 就是靠伟大的团队成员坚持克服不同的难关。



Lars Brickenkamp  Lars Brickenkamp – Chief Executive Officer

As Chief Executive Officer, Lars brings over 30 years experience in the electronics and electronic component industry to C&K. Prior to joining the company, he was Senior Vice President and General Manager of TE's Industrial Business Unit. Before TE, he was Executive Board Member Business Development for ISRA Vision AG, a world leader in surface inspection of web materials and one of the globally leading providers of machine vision programs. Previously, Brickenkamp held senior positions at Phoenix Contact, IEE, Repro Elektronik, Molex and Fujitsu. He holds a Dipl. Ing. degree in electro technologies from the Fachhochschule Bielefeld in Germany.

Cathy Yang Cathy Yang – Chief Financial Officer

As Chief Financial Officer, Cathy leads C&K’s global Finance team handling accounting, audit, tax, treasury, reporting and planning functions, and oversees legal and compliance matters. Cathy joined C&K in August 2018 as VP of Finance. Prior to joining C&K, Cathy held senior leadership roles at Netcracker Technology, a subsidiary of NEC Corporation (TYO: 6701) that delivers a software platform together with integration and managed services to telecommunications and cable companies globally, Intermec Technologies, a Honeywell (NYSE: HON) division offering hardware and software technology solutions for data connectivity and automation, and ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP), a global integrated petroleum company. Cathy holds an MBA from the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University and a BA from National Taiwan University.

Ted Arnstein  Ted Arnstein – Senior VP, Strategy & Corporate Development

As Senior Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Development, Ted is responsible for setting the strategic roadmap for C&K and overseeing all inorganic growth initiatives. Prior to joining C&K, Ted held similar positions with Cimpress (NASDAQ: CMPR), the parent company of Vistaprint and other leading online mass-customization brands, Sensata Technologies (NYSE: ST), one of the largest providers of mission-critical sensor solutions to the global transportation, industrial and aerospace markets, and NXP Semiconductors (NASDAQ: NXPI), a global high-performance mixed-signal semiconductor company. Ted also spent several years as an investment banker with Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank. Ted holds a BA from the University of Michigan, an MA from The Johns Hopkins University/SAIS and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

Jeremy Hebras  Jeremy Hebras – VP Global R&D and Product Management

Jeremy Hebras is C&K’s Worldwide R&D Director and Product Management Leader. He is responsible for the development of the company’s product portfolio, both from an organic growth and new development standpoint. It includes product management and roadmpaps, project management, CAD and numeric simulation, related industrial processes development, tech documentation administration and coordinating the efforts of all of C&K’s R&D centers. Jeremy previously successfully developed new programs with new international car makers at VALEO, an automotive technology firm. He has a Mechanical engineering degree from the UTBM University of Technology, located in France, and specializes in concept creation processes.

Bruno Prevot  Bruno Prevot – VP Global Operations

Bruno Prevot is the VP of Global Operations. With more than 25 years of industry experience, Prevot leads the strategic direction and performance of C&K’s global operations and associated products as well as business development. Bruno most recently held sales leadership, product management, business development, strategic marketing – including M&A – positions at General Electric. Prevot holds an MBA from Lyon Business School in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University US Pennsylvania.